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Новые маркировки на серии MX5 от ICS
Уже в следующей партии игрушек серии MX5 производства ICS произойдут небольшие изменения. Компания получила разрешение на использование маркировок Brügger & Thomet (B&T). Пока не сообщается, скажется ли обновление на цене, но тех, кто заинтересован в наличии на оружии логотипа B&T, вряд ли это будет волновать.

Источник: ICS
Brügger & Thomet Logo In ICS MX5 Series
Brügger & Thomet (B&T) trademark will start appeating soon on the new batches of the ICS MX5 Series as ICS announced that they have taken a licence from Action Sports Games (ASG). We're not sure if there will be an effect on the pricing of the MX5 series, but for those who want the B&T markings on their MX5, then this is something worth a wee bit more.

Источник: ICS
Brügger & Thomet Logo In ICS MX5 Series
Brügger & Thomet (B&T) trademark will start appeating soon on the new batches of the ICS MX5 Series as ICS announced that they have taken a licence from Action Sports Games (ASG). We're not sure if there will be an effect on the pricing of the MX5 series, but for those who want the B&T markings on their MX5, then this is something worth a wee bit more.
- +1
- GloriaNight
- 23 октября 2012, 21:53
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